Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
AIM-IRS is a 501C-3 non-profit employee organization that does not receive federal or state funds of any kind. Our goal is to empower employees in the workplace and make an impact in our local communities. So to continue to provide the Scholarships, school supplies, meals for the elderly and other items we would appreciate your support.

The purpose of the Association for the Improvement of Minorities is to educate and develop our members to their fullest career and personal potential, and instill in them the highest degree of confidence in their abilities; in a manner that is free from negative influence and discriminatory policies and practices. To achieve that purpose, we will:
A. Educate and Counsel our members as to opportunities for career and personal advancement;
B. Foster Equal Employment Opportunity;
C. Provide a Self-Help Network to further the general welfare of our members;
D. Promote local and community wide services that assist individuals seeking career and educational support;
E. Cooperate with all government agencies and other organizations in taking lawful actions to ensure the removal of discriminatory policies and practices.

The Faces of Our Organization
Since our founding in 1969, Association for Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (AIM-IRS) DFW Area Chapter has developed and grown in a positive direction. We’re very proud of the diversity of our staff, and their abilities to contribute their own unique experience and skills to our success. Find out more about some of our team members below.

Working Toward A Better Tomorrow!
Here at Association for Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (AIM-IRS), we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 1969, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded our Volunteer Organization upon: support, empowerment, and progress. Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we go about making the changes we want to see.

Reinforcing our Commitment
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Mentoring is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.
Helping The Community
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who generally make $54,000 or less, persons with disabilities, the elderly and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals.
Assistance is provided at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations.
Helping Our Members & The Community
With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. With access to the right resources, people can become empowered by their own abilities and gain the confidence to fulfill their potential. Learn more about our work by getting in touch with our team today.
Get in touch today and get involved with our cause.
Take Action Now

Programs and Development
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Association for Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (AIM-IRS) DFW Area Chapter an even better Volunteer Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.

Help Us Soar
This is one of the simplest ways to help out our cause. We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved. This is an easy and efficient way of contributing to the great work we do at Association for Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (AIM-IRS) DFW Area Chapter. Get in touch with any questions about how you can Volunteer Your Time today.

Reach One Each One!
Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

Have an Impact
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Association for Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (AIM-IRS) DFW Area Chapter an even better Volunteer Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
Collaborative & Innovative

Tackling the Issue
We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it.

Making a Difference
Through our Support Services, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Association for Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (AIM-IRS) DFW Area Chapter, and a source of much success for our Volunteer Organization. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program.

Doing What’s Needed
Most of our efforts pertaining to this program involve studying new approaches and developing innovative ways to implement them. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data, and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements.

Tackling the Issue
We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our partners are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We are invested in an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need, when they need it.
Get in touch with Association for Improvement of Minorities in the IRS (AIM-IRS) DFW Area Chapter to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.