Reinforcing our Commitment
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. Mentoring is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause.

“Using Careers to Break Barriers, Empower Lives and
Achieve Equity”
DFW Area Chapter members are encouraged to
participate in AIM-IRS mentoring no matter where you are
in your career. If you are at the beginning, mid-career or
focused towards retirement a self-help network can be
The AIM-IRS National Career Assistance Mentoring Program
(CAMP) is administered by the AIM-IRS National Mentoring
Committee (Committee). CAMP is an exclusive benefit of
AIM-IRS membership and is available to any AIM-IRS
member of a participating local AIM-IRS Chapter
(Chapter). The objective of CAMP is to prepare members
for career advancement with the use of a mentor. CAMP
consists of nine developmental activities to assist the
protégé in identifying and achieving their career goals.
CAMP is a self-help program that is designed to be
completed on the protégé’s and mentor’s own time.
However, the support of IRS management is beneficial to
meeting the objectives. The model for the program is based
on face-to-face interaction between the protégé and
mentor. Although exceptions may be made for virtual
mentoring relationships, it is not the recommended
approach to successful program delivery. The protégé and
mentor are required to sign the AIM-IRS National Career
Assistance Mentoring Program Agreement to document
their commitment to follow program guidelines.